Wednesday, June 15, 2005

First Post

What is this place?

Well after searching for a name to start a blog about my adventures in guitar i had to finalize on Learning Chords
This is a blog where i will posts how i am learning guitar, difficulties i faced and some tips of guitar

All in vain...

Just for a start, this is the list of Names i had to go through to find a suitable blog
  1. guitar
  2. guitars
  3. guitarz
  4. scales
  5. chords
  6. chordz
  7. 6strings
  8. sixstrings
  9. strings
  10. weepingguitar
  11. plecturm
  12. plectra

And these are the ones i remembered!!



Prasita said...


A Good Start!
ull definitely find ppl with similar taste comin forward with their views...

hey is the next blog going to be "chap chap"...just kidding ok

happy guitaring...

Yoja said...

thanks for ur comment C
and no! no blog on chaap chaap
May be on friends i know....
A post a day about one friend i know with his/her snap?

chal bye